![]() My new weekly photo challenge site is up and ready. Anyone with a camera and a pension for sleuthing please participate at BONDTOGRAPHY. I look forward to seeing everyone in this new context! |
single father buddhist vegetarian lover of the outdoors 41
![]() My new weekly photo challenge site is up and ready. Anyone with a camera and a pension for sleuthing please participate at BONDTOGRAPHY. I look forward to seeing everyone in this new context! |
As The Nut inches nearer its 2nd birthday, I reflect on how things began here. Not because I presume anyone cares what exactly collects dust in the furthest corners of the archives, rather because I feel largely disconnected and uninspired with what The Nut is churning out today. This blog has served me on so many levels. The results have been far too wide and broad to try to list them what has resulted from this venture. And far too positive to sum them up in a simple post. Alas, I have come to a point where I find posts like those in May 2005 to be more substantive than what has been produced as of late. 'So what?' right? Well, instead of shutting things down here due to a complete lack of motivation, The Nut will remain but posting will be sporadic and when there is a post it will resemble those of early 2005. When more was said when less was said. Two new sites will soon be added. One dedicated to my thoughts and experiences as a single father. This project will be an ongoing gift to Aspen. Pictures, memories, bits of wisdom, etc for her to hold dear through her years. Anyone will be welcome to read but the posts will not be open to comments. There won't be an announcement when that begins but I suppose one will be able to find it through my user profile if'n they tried. The other is a photo challenge site which I swear will be up and running shortly. An announcement for that one will be made loud and clear over here. It is my hope that anyone with a camera who frequents The Nut will choose to participate at least every once and a while at Bondtography. Until then, you're all the coolest. Each and every blog I have on my sidebar is unique and encases many memories for me. And I'll keep stopping in when the mood strikes me. |
First order of business: Tish has made her blog private due to an ex boyfriend's lunatic wife who has been leaving quite unpleasant (and untrue) anonymous comments. Thanks to her site meter she was able to track it back to his computer. Word to the wise: if you're gonna stalk somebody's blog and you don't want them to know, don't link over to the blog from your very own email account. Makes it pretty easy to figure out who you are. So, if anybody wants to be included on her private viewing list (not quite as sensual as it sounds there) email her at Next order of business: If there are any photographers (or would be photogs) out there interested in participating in a weekly photo challenge of a unique nature, tune back in later this week. I am in the finishing stages of setting up the website and will make an announcement later this week. Thirdly: A friend turned me on to John Mayer's new album 'Continuum' last week. I gotta tell you, I have a bad tendency to not like a CD no matter who it's by the first time I hear it. Even if its one of my favorite bands. And this compilation was no different. But upon the second listen I started warming up to it. And every subsequent time I play it I fall madly in love with yet another song on it. Rolling Stone gave this 4 out 5 stars and for good reason. I finally bought the CD yesterday. Then, like clock work, last night it wins the 'Best Pop Album' Grammy. It beat out the odds on favorite Justin Timberlake's 'Futureback Lovesex Something' Check it out and pay special attention to 'Vultures' and 'In Repair'. Finally, I should be getting my tax returns soon. The boat will be paid off and I will be faced with the decision of taking me and Aspen to Hawaii for spring break or getting her a horse (as soon as her lessons are done). I think I know which she would enjoy more and treasure longer. |
1- I get winded after a quickie 2- AARP membership forms are telling me it's now or never 3- When looking into a vasectomy the doctor says "It's probably not necessary at this point" 4- I just don't get the audial vomit that passes as music today 5- My knees are now louder than my bowels 6- Caloscopy bags? I'm seeing their appeal 7- I got a call back interview for the Walmart greeting person 8- When taking in a yard sale I keep an eye out for a good shower stool 9- I seem to be the only one who finds the movie theatre to be too loud and too cold 10- Punk kids, the world is full of nothing but punk kids anymore! Now if you'll excuse me, if I don't get my second nap in there is no way I manage to stay awake for Lawrence Welk |