

As The Nut inches nearer its 2nd birthday, I reflect on how things began here. Not because I presume anyone cares what exactly collects dust in the furthest corners of the archives, rather because I feel largely disconnected and uninspired with what The Nut is churning out today.
This blog has served me on so many levels. The results have been far too wide and broad to try to list them what has resulted from this venture. And far too positive to sum them up in a simple post.
Alas, I have come to a point where I find posts like those in May 2005 to be more substantive than what has been produced as of late.
'So what?' right?
Well, instead of shutting things down here due to a complete lack of motivation, The Nut will remain but posting will be sporadic and when there is a post it will resemble those of early 2005.
When more was said when less was said.

Two new sites will soon be added. One dedicated to my thoughts and experiences as a single father. This project will be an ongoing gift to Aspen. Pictures, memories, bits of wisdom, etc for her to hold dear through her years. Anyone will be welcome to read but the posts will not be open to comments. There won't be an announcement when that begins but I suppose one will be able to find it through my user profile if'n they tried.
The other is a photo challenge site which I swear will be up and running shortly. An announcement for that one will be made loud and clear over here. It is my hope that anyone with a camera who frequents The Nut will choose to participate at least every once and a while at Bondtography.
Until then, you're all the coolest. Each and every blog I have on my sidebar is unique and encases many memories for me. And I'll keep stopping in when the mood strikes me.