

Aspen and I did our annual T-Day tradition of putting up the holiday tree and trimming it. She has been quick to note that it has been snowing on and off every day since.
She got her first sled yesterday and we took it out at 7am this morning while the rest of the city slept. how come she never gets up that early on a school day?

We went to the San Diego Ballet's production of Nutcracker today and Aspen and I agreed that it blew chunks compared to the Charlotte Ballet's version (which we have attended faithfully for the last 6 years).

Aspen's step-dad and her best friend from Charlotte come out for her b-day this Friday. She is very excited. On Sunday we shall go up to Denver to Casa Bonita. If you are unfamiliar with this place then check out the South Park episode that is centered around it. Coolest restaurant ever.

New job is going well. Am looking to graduate 'training academy' faster than anyone in recent memory. Does that mean I'll get fired faster than anyone in recent memory too? I had managed to save up enough hours so far that I was able to get Friday off and enjoyed a 4 day weekend. Sadly, we were just notified that the company will likely move to another location in town down the road. No big deal... except right now work is only 1.5 miles from home and right next door to Aspen's school. I went from shelling out $600/month on gas to $120. Hope we don't move too far away.

Aspen's mom brought up the details of her going down to AZ for the x-mas holiday season. Somehow she got the idea that it would be okay for Aspen to fly out of DIA. That's in Denver. We live in Colorado Springs.

I don't think so. I immediately looked up direct flights from the Springs to AZ and found a flight on the agreed upon dates for $197 after all taxes and fees. Am I the only one who thinks that isn't an unreasonable price?

I emailed her the flight number and suggest she look into it. Havn't heard back from her yet.

On that subject: Aspen came to me crying the other week. She was upset that her mom had told her she had no idea why we moved out to Colorado Springs. Aspen was already well aware that her mom had been emailing me prior to the move encouraging us to move out here. That it would be easier for her current husband to get a job out here than it would be for him to get a job in Charlotte. Aspen knew this because I let her read her mom's emails to me on this topic a few months ago.

I have very strong opinions about Aspen's mom. Not very positive ones at that. But I have always held my tongue, wanting Aspen to form her own opinions about her rather than simply listening to me. However, in this case I did confirm her suspicions that her mom tends to lie by encouraging her to ask her grandfather, her brother and her step-father about their experiences with her. I think it important that Aspen not feel she is the only one with whom her mother is less than honest.

I watched Aspen's mom destroy her relationship with her son by lieing through her teeth to him as her relationship to her 4th husband fell apart in the midst of her infidelity. Now I start to see the entire process repeat itself with my daughter as well.

It reminds me to be as honest as I possibly can with her and to never make false promises. I think she is starting to see that I can be entirely trusted... even if I do keep forgetting that I am no longer allowed to walk into her bathroom while she's in the tub anymore.

Speaking of Aspen's brother, Ed, he has enlisted into the Army reserve. He goes to boot camp after the holidays then starts college classes. I hope he will join ROTC while in school so that when he graduates he will be a commissioned officer rather than enlisted.

Doesn't make a difference nohow though. The Mayan calendar ends in December 2112.

In other news, I got up at 5am on black Friday and grabbed myself one of them newfangled digital picture frames from Sears for my desk at work for $37. I never thought I would own one of those monstrocities of art but when you have limited space, they're rather practical.

Finally, thanks to all those who commented with advice on the last post. Witch Hazel it is... and whatever book it is that Sissy B recommended; obviously it doesn't have a chapter on birth-control.