

So for my birthday Tishy gets me an adorable coupon book of lovey dovey kinda things.
Examples are: an hour long backrub; an evening of doing whatever you want; your favorite dinner cooked while you relax; etc.
I think I cashed one of these in successfully. Since then I have tried to cash in several others and always get the same response...
"But baaaaaaaaabyyyyyyyy. I wanted to watch a moooooovie toniiiiiiiight." And a movie watching is what we end up doing. And it's always one of her movies! I think I'm growing breasts I've been exposed to so much estrogen inducing visual media over the last few months. I swear I was spotting yesterday!
So she has the gall to say to me the other day "You need to use more of those coupons baby, that's why I got them for you."
I almost fell out of my car seat (I was driving at the time) I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I reminded her as nicely as I could that I had indeed been trying to use them repeatedly, to no avail.
Her response: "Yeah, but you always try to use them when I want to do something else!"

That time... I did fall out of my car seat!