

This week is killing me!
We have 3 guys at work doing the job of 5 (one quit and another is on vacation). Im working 62 hours this week and have client meetings coming out my ass. And most of those are late in the evening after work, so add that time in and I'm working closer to 70 hours.
It's 145 degrees every day here this week and I have made the mistake 3 times of trying to go out biking in those precious down time minutes. Ugh! Not a good idea.
Plus, upper management finally made the right decision and is including me in the interviewing process that's going on now. Where do these guys come from??? I don't know what makes people think they sound, look, act or even smell hire-able when they show up.
And you can tell I'm beat cause I don't even feel like stretching that comic gold mine into a few laughs in this post. Too tired to be witty.
The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I have saved Friday night ALL TO MYSELF! No work, no hanging with friends, no pretending to be athletic by doing something that increases my heartrate for a few minutes (and that includes getting frisky with Tish). Friday night I'm doing the movie marathon. I'm taking in Clerks II and Lady In The Water both inb the same night.
Of course since I have to be at work bright and early Saturday morning, that means I'll get a full 6 hours of sleep Friday night. Woo Hoo!
And that's all I got. I'm making every effort to stop by everyone's blog today (yes, even yours doc).