Spring Cleaning
If you recall I made some resolutions over the last 2.5 months. Stop chewing ice, no consuming alcohol (not difficult in the least bit), no more partaking (that was supposed to be temporary may end up being semi permanent), only drinking water, tea, juice and milk (though that one has failed miserably I will restart that one soon). But if I really examine 'me' these are only small time fixes. I can take much bigger steps if I put my mind to it. Maybe it was good to start with some small ones, just to get in the zone of changing habits. Maybe now it's time for some big ones. Spring is coming (my clogged sinuses will confirm that!), soon enough I will be out on the kayak a few afternoons a week with my ipod (can I get a 'hell yeah!'?) And with spring comes rebirth. This spring I should like to see a rebirth of certain aspects of 'me'. I have this vision of how I would like to see me living on a daily basis. It seems so easy and so close, yet I know it would take immense dedication, commitment, discipline, endurance, focus, etc. None of which I have ever been accused of having in abundance. I should be meditating daily, reading daily, exercising daily... whew, I'm winded just thinking about this. I used to do all this daily though just not at the same points of time. I went for a couple of years where I read 30+ pages every day. I went for a year where I meditated over 5 hours a day (this is while I was at the monastery, in fact for one month we meditated for 10 hours a day). And all throughout college I was in the gym most every day for some period of time. So what do I do now at this point in my life every day? I blog. That's a good creative outlet, sure. It's writing afterall. It motivates and energizes, but only to a limited degree. And I parent. Now THAT'S important, no question. But to parent well is to parent by example. Do I want Aspen to be physically, mentally and inwardly sharp? Do I want her to have memories of her father synonymous with imagery of reading, jogging, and meditating? Yeah, it's time. |