
Coo Coo for Cocoa (its the best title i could come up with on the spot)

Edit: Sissy B sent me the audio link to the very story i heard!! I don't know what kind of search guru she is but when i went to NPR and typed in 'nestle' and 'child slavery' for stories over the last week, i came up with nothing! Thank you so much Sissy!!

While listening to NPR today I learned of a class action suit filed against 3 chocolate companies. Nestlé® being the most recognized of the names.
Now I am the worst Googler in the world. I tried to find an updated link on this story and couldn't. I even looked on NPR's site and found nothing about this story even though I had turned the radio off no more than 10 minutes prior to sitting down to the keyboard. I did find some articles on it from July 2004 when the suit was filed but I'll be damned if I'm going to post a dated link like that. You all come here for current events, not ancient history... right?
So, you'll just have to take my word for it. Nestlé® is being sued on behalf of 5,000 child slaves from Africa's Ivory Coast where it seems most of the world's cocoa is grown. These children are bought by the cocoa farms and are worked seven days a week (sigh... "allegedly"!) with no monetary compensation. If they try to escape they "allegedly" will be beaten to death.
While Nestlé® does not own any of these cocoa farms they are one of the main purchasers of cocoa from these farms.
These are some of the products that Nestlé® brings to you on a daily basis: Butter Finger, Nestea, Hot Cocoa, 100 Grand, Baby Ruth, Bit-O-Honey, Chunky, Goobers, Raisinettes, Meyers ice cream and, yes, I'm sorry to say it... Stouffers Chocolates.
I'll let you all catch your breath for a minute. The good news is that Hershey® was not named in the suit. These are some of the products that apparently are not made by the hands of 7 year olds who are terrified of getting beaten to death for wanting money for working some 90 hours a week: Heath, Mounds, Kit Kat, Reeses, Jolly Ranchers, York Patties, Twizzlers, and Pay Day.
I know right now alot of you are saying "Damn you Brico! As long as I didnt know, I was safe from guilt! And right before Valentines Day too! You bastard!" But heres the bright side: The more Hershey® chocolate you eat, the more their profits will go up. The more Nestlé® sees their competitor's net worth rise the more they will be pressured to change their buying policies.
So eat up ladies! The enslaved children of The Ivory coast implore you to eat as much Hershey® chocolate as possible. Consider it your humanitarian duty! Go! Before it's too late!