
With a Lack of Anything Else to Post

Is it still 'stealing' if 1/4 of the blogs I visit have already done this? I just wanted to give Os a chance for revenge since one of my answers on his potentially threw his life into turmoil. And don't forget Fears Friday at Femi Mommy's!

01] I _____ Bricotrout.
02] Bricotrout is _____.
03] If I were alone in a room with Bricotrout, I would _____.
04] I think Bricotrout should _____.
05] Bricotrout needs _____.
06] I want to _____ Bricotrout.
07] Someday Bricotrout will ___.
08] Bricotrout reminds me of _____.
09] Without Bricotrout _____.
10] My memories of Bricotrout are _____.
11] Bricotrout can be _____.
12] The worst thing about Bricotrout is _____.
13] The best thing about Bricotrout is _____.
14] I am _____ with Bricotrout.
15] One thing I would like to know about Bricotrout is _____.
16] Bricotrout should go and _____.
17] Bricotrout _____ me.