
I Have So Much to Teach... yet another given!

Don't give your blog address to an ex significant other!! Yes, bricotrout now has a cyber stalker of the worst kind and her blog username is 'Gnat'. So here's a brief history:
Natalie Mcmahon of Minneapolis, MN and I were involved for about a year after being introduced by a mutual (now ex) friend. Natalie suffers from severe self image problems which manifests itself in self injurious behavior. To her credit she continuously maintains various treatment techniques to help her with her issues. We parted ways about 2 years ago because of a variety of issues (she had a big problem with my maintaining contact with Aspen's mother and she needed someone closer to her geographically). We remained cordial and were in phone contact about once a month. She would complain about her life and I would offer whatever advice I could. Up until last month she had been living with a guy whom she moved in with after she and I parted. According to her he left due to her unreasonable ongoing jealousy issues.
A few months ago I gave Natalie my blog address and offered that she comment whenever she felt like it (look for the occasional comment by 'Gnat' in recent posts). I even assisted her a bit in getting her blog set up. I thought that getting to know some cyber friends who are going through similar struggles would be highly beneficial to her.
Unfortunately, all Natalie ever seemed to use her blog presence for was to read my blog and comment occasionally.
until this week...
A few days ago I received an email from Natalie complaining that it was inconsiderate of me to not tell her that someone new had entered my life. She had seen Audra's post with the pictures of she and I together.
Then Saturday morning there was a comment on my recent HNT pic that said something to the effect "I see you have a new actress for your movies now!! " You can deduce from that what you want.
I quickly deleted the comment which stank of bitterness and jealousy. I then emailed her this "I THINK YOU NEED TO CALL ME!! Do not comment on my site or anyone else's I know until we talk! "
I was livid (and people who know me will tell you I don't get ticked off very easily).
This was the email response I got Saturday afternoon: "oh a little testy are we.......You can call me. Ihave never left any comments on anyone else's site but yours so don't go blaming me for other things!"
This was in turn my response: "natalie,
I am absolutely speechless natalie.
I have never been anything but supportive of and a friend to you. im so sorry that your life is so miserable that you feel this attitude is justified. You disappoint me.
and now you don't have the courage to call me. So be it, do not contact me again (phone, email, mail or commenting on my blog or on anyone else's about me).
So let me apologize ahead of time to Audra, Addict and anyone else who she may see fit to try to criticize or otherwise harass as a last ditch effort for attention in my life.
And while I wish Natalie the best in getting her ongoing life struggles in order, wont you join me in keeping an eye out for that future "Gnat comment"? Well make a game of it! Upon the next time "Gnat" ignores my wishes and decides to leave a comment, lets see which of my friendly and respectful readers can spot it by commenting "Gnat on the wall!" first. You'll get an honorary mention!
Let the craziness begin!

Comments on "I Have So Much to Teach... yet another given!"


Blogger Margaret said ... (Saturday, December 03, 2005 7:54:00 PM) : 

wow...its really sad to see that she is not able to move on, and must react in such a negative manner...

sorry hun...



Blogger MamaKBear said ... (Saturday, December 03, 2005 11:35:00 PM) : 

Reporting for duty! Daily "Gnat Alert"!!


Blogger Osbasso said ... (Sunday, December 04, 2005 1:48:00 AM) : 

Ooh, I like it when you come up with new games!

PS--Get rid of your word verification. Can you say Haloscan? (seriously, dude...)


Blogger Just Jan said ... (Sunday, December 04, 2005 5:38:00 AM) : 

oh my....hopefully this will settle down and she'll wise up and leave you alone....I'll keep my eyes open.

haven't seen an update on Audra...hoping she's doing well and the "no news is good news" philosophy is true here....still sending well wishes her way.

I'm get bothered by word verification too at times...so how does one get haloscan anyway??....hehehe..maybe I should ask os that.


Blogger bricotrout said ... (Sunday, December 04, 2005 6:14:00 AM) : 

keep jr safe! and thanks
but i dont want a stalker!
hi mama! thanks for always coming by!! im rooting for you!
while im rotting for mama, i suspect YOU (or katehopeeden) will actually BE the winner. I will work on haloscan ASAP. promise!
audra updates are available at addict's site


Blogger Mara said ... (Sunday, December 04, 2005 9:31:00 AM) : 

I'm sorry about your vermin problem B... blah. Gnats are the worst, they multiply and infest quickly... they're voracious little buggers.

Here's your Raid []~~~~~~~
Here's your Swatter ------[X]

I'm checking addict's site for updates on Audra (bless her heart)



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