So one of the things that Aspen asked The Jolly Guy for this year was a 'sleigh bell'. Daddy (AKA The Jolly Guy) looked high and low for an item that would fit the definition of a 'sleigh bell' but failed to encounter one. What he did find was a craft store that sold , among other items, jingle bells. "Hmmm" thought Daddy, "What is the difference between a jingle bell and a sleigh bell?" I had NO idea... so i winged it (or is the past tense of 'to wing' wung? - anyway). I envisioned what I thought would fit the definition of a 'sleigh bell' and tracked down various arts and crafts items that could be fabric glued together to resemble that image.
These are the items purchased
And 37 1/2 hours of intensive labor, a small carpet fire, and 3 bandaids later you have The Jolly Guy's interpretation of a 'sleigh bell'
The ends tie together as to form a bracelette. A bracelette that once was worn on the left rear hoof of Dasher (or so the story goes). |