
*tap tap* "Is this thing on?"

It's musty in here, I'm going to open up some windows. Did I leave the oven on?!? THAT'S going to be expensive!...
Oh...Hello! Come on in. Have a seat. Can I get you a drink? Looks like all I have is month old milk... What's that? 'What's new' you ask? We'll first off I would like to give a sincere thanks to everyone who emailed, called, texted, commented, came by for an extended sleep-over or otherwise sent well wishes during my sabbatical. There were lots of you! I became another year older in my absence and Kalani and Tish each gave me super-cool-I'll-cherish-them-till-I-perish birthday gifts. Thanks you two! I was all smiles on that day because of you guys!
Some of you cared enough to ask how I was doing and sought speculative updates as to my return status. Some (yes, not just one!) even tried to entice my early return by sending daring pics (see tomorrow's post!!). However, I was dedicated to the whole month as you can see and for good reason.
No more than 15 minutes after I had made the post about taking a month off I got in the shower and noticed what a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I had not been aware just how much of a burden I had allowed The Nut to become. The sense of obligation to it and my blog friends had become overwhelming and I was oblivious to it. Even though I knew something was wrong, I didn't know quite what. But after much debate and meditation I am hoping that I have found a way to balance this very positive hobby with the rest of my life so that sense of obligation and burden is kept at bay.
Therefore you may notice a few changes around here. I had to set down some firm rules for myself and these are they:
I will no longer play on the computer while I should be interacting with Aspen, period. This means I will only be on late at night after she is asleep or occasionally at work.
My posts will be for me alone. (This sounds like a given right? I was surprised how many of you that I talked to actually felt at times that they had begun to placate to their perceived audience as well)
My posts will be a bit more personally revealing and self challenging than before. Hopefully just as humorous though.
I wont enter into the blogworld until all other chores and what-have-yous are tended to.
As a result of all this I will not have the opportunity to comment on everyone else's blogs as frequently as I had tried to in the past. That is a fact that has been hard for me to come to terms with. I am always truly touched every time a fellow blogger deems a post worth commenting on and I have that drive to want to reciprocate. I feel like a less than good friend if I don't. So please do not take it personally if I haven't commented on your site in a while. If I could add four more hours to the day I would.
All this means basically that I will not be posting daily as I did before. How frequently? I'm not sure yet. We'll have to see.
There were points during the last month where I was sure that I was going to call it quits. That a sense of balance would be too hard for me to maintain. And while I still wonder if that may be true, the reason I felt it was worthwhile to give it a second effort was a lot of you all. As a single father I don't get the opportunity to socialize as much as I would like so the interactions I have with fellow bloggers makes me feel like not quite such a shut in. Audra, Kalani, Tish, Katehopeeden, Sasha, Lance, Rabbit, Mara, Addict, Wendy, Duff, Jackie, Dale, Femi... thankyou! Each of you know why. And for the rest of you out there: Thanks for being patient! I dig you!
So, lets try this again...

Comments on "*tap tap* "Is this thing on?""


Blogger Megan said ... (Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:08:00 PM) : 

Welcome back, Brico! Your rules make perfect sense, and make sure you follow them. I find myself here (blogland) sometimes when I shouldn't be, and I, too, am seeking the perfect balance. I'm glad you didn't decide to call it quits, and I hope that those of us who care about you can encourage you to stick to your guns. You've been missed by most of us, but those of us who truly care would rather you have your life in order than to have our need for entertainment fulfilled. It's wonderful to see you back. Please don't feel obligated to placate the masses. You have been sorely missed, but for your personality and insight (who you are) more than your entertainment value (although your posts are highly entertaining.) I hope your friends (blogland and otherwise) can encourage you to find the balance. Welcome back!


Blogger jamwall said ... (Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:29:00 PM) : 

welcome back!!

i can empathize with the blogger thing. coming up with the ideas and keeping up the happy comments can be a chore!


Blogger Just Jan said ... (Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:35:00 PM) : 

welcome back...It's good to see you post again. It's also great to see you have set guidelines for yourself and didn't call it quits. Aspen is truely blessed to have you as a Father.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


Blogger Blondie... said ... (Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:42:00 PM) : 

Welcome back and I hope you do find that balance. I've noticed that recently too about my own blog. I just recently starting being more visceral about me... Its my blog.

Take care and have a very happy Thanksgiving.


Blogger Tish said ... (Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:51:00 PM) : 

I'm so glad you're back!! And you are very welcome. I'm the one who should be thanking you! You have been such an awesome friend to me! Muah ha ha ha!! ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:58:00 PM) : 

Brico, I am looking forward to seeing what your new style of posting will be... Seems there has been something of you missing ?


Blogger Erik said ... (Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:58:00 PM) : 

The happiness of your backness is explosivo.


Blogger Michelle said ... (Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:06:00 PM) : 

Yea! Welcome back. I kept checking The Nut every couple of days just to see if you came back. Kuddos for setting yourself some ground rules, everyone should do that.


Blogger duff said ... (Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:08:00 PM) : 

i am so glad you're back.

i missed you.


Blogger Margaret said ... (Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:22:00 PM) : 

welcome back hun...



Blogger Lee Ann said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:13:00 AM) : 

Hey! welcome back! Happy HNT!


Blogger Cade said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:59:00 AM) : 

I missed you so much. The Rusted Nut looks incredible. Can't wait to read more of that Brico wisdom.


Blogger Sasha said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:26:00 AM) : 

i am soo happy to see ya back! i really missed you brico! (in more ways than one...)


Blogger Wendy said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 5:10:00 AM) : 

Welcome back Brico .... I've missed you. W


Blogger Lelly said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 5:14:00 AM) : 

Welcome back! Great post(writing was a bit small for my aged eyes, but I persisted!)On a purely selfish level I have missed your complimentary comments on HNT's (and that's NOT a hint...realise you have many many bloggy friends out there...but you missed my most revealing pic...ever...last week!)
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Brico!


Blogger Spinning Girl said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 6:36:00 AM) : 

It's great to see you back here, and I hope that it turns out to be exactly what you want it to be. Make it so.


Blogger Stephanie said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 7:26:00 AM) : 

So glad you're back!!


Blogger fyrchk said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 7:45:00 AM) : 

Welcome back!

I'm glad you took some time for yourself! Do what is best for YOU!


Blogger jamwall said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 9:16:00 AM) : 

by the way, happy tofurkey day brico!


Blogger ... said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 9:26:00 AM) : 

glad to see you back dear - i still expect to hear all the good dirt by email now though =)

and happy thanksgiving - feel blessed this is the only hnt i have time for today =)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:00:00 PM) : 

am I ever glad you are back!!!!!
u were missed!
i know u needed the break and it did you well.....but it's nice to be able to see new stuff from you! cheers! :) xo


Blogger The Smoking Redhead said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:07:00 PM) : 

Welcome back, you have been missed.

I can so get where you are coming from though. I know there are certain people who check my blog several times a day and I have at times felt obligated to update just so they have something new to read. Although I still can't figure out why anything I would write about would be THAT interesting.

I have also started to feel like my blog isn't my own anymore. I can't say what I'm really thinking due to some of the people that read it. I just need to remember that I would never say anything on my blog that I wouldn't say to their face. Although at times it would be nice to get some of that grief out without it being read by certain people and overanalyzed.

Sheesh, I ranted on enough didn't I? So glad to have you back, your writing is a source of humor and joy! :)


Blogger Unknown said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:44:00 PM) : 

It's been a month, already. huh. some days it seems as though I've advanced a million miles, and then other days as though I fell through a big huge crack in the earth...through it all, the blog remains. I'm with you. Blogging for ME begins today. Glad you took the time to figure it out...I look forward to seeing what's in store for you~


Blogger Mara said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:51:00 PM) : 

::BIG HUGE SMOOCHES:: I'm so glad you're back... and on the flip side... I was really glad you took the time off.
Your's is the only site I've visited today.. LOL although I did update mine after I saw your little snipped nose on there a bit perturbed with me for not posting the HNT pic sooner.

Missed you babes... but it sure looks like you had a blast while on hiatus.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 3:23:00 PM) : 

Yay! You're back! One more thing to be thankful for today.


Blogger jolie said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 4:51:00 PM) : 

Welcome back! I think your new rules are right on, congratulations for making such a tough but ultimately healthy and fulfilling choice.

Thanks for the comment you left for me, letting me know you were back – that was so thoughtful of you. I’m looking forward to following along this turn in your journey. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Aspen!


Blogger MamaKBear said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 8:20:00 PM) : 

Welcome back! :)


Blogger Summer said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 10:24:00 PM) : 

Welcome back. I'm glad you've been able to set some rules for yourself. Too much of anything is not a good thing. Even in blogland, moderation is key.

Good to see you're working on balancing it all! :)


Blogger BUMBLE!!! said ... (Thursday, November 24, 2005 11:12:00 PM) : 

Welcome back to BLOGLAND!! I understand how much time it does consume. I like comments and try to leave them, but it just takes too much time sometimes. I think the only way to do that is to cut down the list of visited sites to just the really good sites instead of the it was occasionally good sites. Anyway... Happy Thanksgiving and HNT!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Friday, November 25, 2005 2:05:00 AM) : 

Sheesh I hadn't even realized you were gone. I feel all lucky and shit.

Have a great day today B :)


Blogger BTExpress said ... (Friday, November 25, 2005 8:47:00 PM) : 

Hey, welcome back big fella! Now after reading how limited your time is blogging, I feel good that you took the time to comment on my fishing HNT on Thursady. Thanks.


Blogger WendyLove said ... (Monday, November 28, 2005 11:51:00 AM) : 

So glad you are back! I really appreciated sharing the results of your introspections. I feel I'm falling a bit into the patterns you described and this post helped me think about what I must do to confront them and fins balance. Thanks. Oh, can we send daring pics even thought you are back? ;) rubyprincess


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