
Something Ive been Wanting to Say

FYI: Today I could have posted about the AWESOME String Cheese concert I saw last night. I could have posted about how Ive been called for the last 2 days to be an extra in that Will Ferrell movie filming out here. But Im not. I want to post about something else thats been on my mind:
Since participating in HNT some 10 weeks ago I have come across far too many to count negative, cutting, undeserving, hurtful and quite frankly shallow comments by women HNTers regarding bodies and pics being shared for all. Honestly, its disheartening and frustrating! The thing is, these comments arent directed toward other women, they direct them toward themselves!! And whats more nearly 100% of the time these self imposed snipps and criticisms are TOTALLY undeserving!! Today alone I found myself saying WTF no fewer than 4 times trying to comprehend where on earth theyre coming from. And that was just this week!
And what Im about to say is not just my oppinion. I know what I am attracted to in a woman outwardly, and I know my male friends are attracted to the same thing cause weve discussed it. And guess what: there is NO consistancy as to her physical traits (granted, there is such thing as 'too heavy' but that goes for men AND women right?). What matters is not the roundness of the ass or the perkiness of the breasts or the curve of the hips. What matters is the confidence with which she carries all these 'imperfections' around with her. Her posture not the smoothness of the back, the angle she holds her head not the shape of it, the broadness of the smile not the fullness of her lips, the gleam in her eyes not the depth of their color. I have stared intently at the sexiest midriff ever and its not that slim, it just moves with confidence and allure.
You may have noticed that I have always used the word 'honey' when reffering to a woman that I find attractive. I don't use the word 'hottie' as some have pointed out because I am not interested in 'hotties'. There is a difference. A 'honey' has a vibe (yeah make fun of my hippie lexicon if you want, Im not ashamed) an aura, a radiance about her that can be overpowering whether shes 5'6 and 160 or 6'2 and 120. A hottie is just parts that might be fun to stare at but not worth getting to know (and there seem to be a few of those on HNT as well). If I can get one point across with this its that (as cliche as this is going to sound) the radiance is what is attractive and that isnt in your shape or height or weight. Its in your movement and laughter and the kindess and frquency of a casual touch.
So please PLEASE keep that in mind before you point out how much you hate a scar on your belly or how unhappy you are with your thighs or how unatractive you think your face is. Youre so missing the point about HNT! If I can make a quick case in point: I get quite a few HNT comments. Why? Im 5'9 138. I dont work out and dont have a full head of hair. I am NOT anything special to look at in those terms. I have fun with HNT and I honestly believe thats what people are seeing and finding attractive. It certainly is not my biceps that women find worth commenting on OR my pecs! It has to be that intangible something that is visible through the lens.
I hope this makes some kind of sense and that somebody out there who needed to read this actually did because I just find it such a shame that this thinking is so rampant in blogland and in real life. Thanks for listening.

Comments on "Something Ive been Wanting to Say"


Blogger Wendy said ... (Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:50:00 PM) : 

Wow Brico. Thank you. On behalf of alot of the women I know, thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:11:00 PM) : 

Well said!

(And may I point out that while I am guilty of saying that my HNT picture wasn't the most flattering in the past, I must presently be more enlightened as I posted an ASS BRUISE today.)


Blogger Muse said ... (Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:16:00 PM) : 

I keep myself humble..

Thanks for this, alot of us need to love the skin were in. ;)


Blogger Jayne said ... (Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:04:00 PM) : 

Amen! I was thinking the same thing, browsing at all the fun and lovely pictures, wishing that every woman (and man) could feel how radiantly beautiful and powerful they are. It's okay to shine!


Blogger Sasha said ... (Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:09:00 PM) : 

ok ok... stop the lecture already... :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:03:00 PM) : 

"Its in your movement and laughter and the kindess and frquency of a casual touch."

This is so true.. Thanks for pointing it out.. Kinda what I've been trying to get to.


Blogger Just Jan said ... (Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:31:00 PM) : 

Wow Brico...that was really an awesome post. Thanks for being a real honest down to earth man. I'm not truly happy with the "plumpness" of my body but My Bob doesn't mind...and I love his "big bear" belly...so we fit together well. I am a firm believer in who the person is...not what someone looks likes.

Damn...you deserve a hug for making me feel special. (now if I can just stop eating ice cream at work...lol)


Blogger Megan said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 12:50:00 AM) : 

Hey, Brico! I've had a coupla drinks, so I'll be quite verbose this evening. The people I am attracted to, male and female, have that quality of which you speak. Confidence is SO much more important than looks... I'd rather see a man or woman of average visual attractiveness walk with self-awareness than a conventionally attractive person walk with self-loathing. The reason I liked your toilet pic was because of the confidence you had to appear there nude. The men I have loved and made love to have had completely dissimilar body types, but entirely similar attitudes. They have carried themselves with pride (some to the point of arrogance, but that's beside the point). I stive to be a woman who carries herself with that kind of pride, who says YES I have odd skin marks from carrying my son, and hell YES they are beautiful because they are a part of me and proof of him.

The common denominator for ALL people I have true interest in? Confidence. No self-loathing, no apologies, no explaining... just "Here I am. Take me or leave me, I am who I am."

One day I will say this with pride.


Blogger jenbeauty said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 8:27:00 AM) : 

awww *smooches* for you!! Women need to hear this from men. We get so caught up in not being 5'6 and 120 lbs and having the perfect flat tummy. The media sucks when it comes to this, as they make it seem that is what men want.

I think HNT is awesome and am amazed and amused at most of the pics. It is very brave to put yourself out there for the whole world to see.

I have liked your blog not for your HNT pics but for your take on life. This post solidifies that for me!


Blogger MG said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 9:05:00 AM) : 

Great post... and honestly, it goes both ways. I know you must be one of those men with a vibe because I'm always intersested in what you have to say and honored when you post a comment on my blog, it's more about WHO you are than what you look like....beauty is in the eye of the beholder...would be applicable...


Blogger katehopeeden said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 9:09:00 AM) : 

This a great post. I've noticed that most of the things people point about themselves, I never even would have noticed!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 10:07:00 AM) : 

you sir are my HERO!
No ONE is perfect..perfection is BORING! I LOVE all the little freakish mishaps about me, physically, mentally and otherwise and I think that anyone who has enough balls (well u know what i mean) to post pics of themself on net is worth being looked at and admired.....to each his own and hnt is fun because it's HNT...not MODEL SEARCH 2005...ya know?! YOU KNOW! YOU ROCK I THINK I LOVE YOU, SO WHAT AM I SO AFRAID OF?....lol ;) *big hugs and smiles for a super cool and intelligent boy - YOU*


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 10:12:00 AM) : 

i hope u don't mind me "QUOTING" you on my blog...I'm so utterly impressed, that I feel the need to spread your love....if u dislike, let me know and i"ll remove....


Blogger sirbarrett said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 10:37:00 AM) : 

Good distinction between hotties and honeys. Honeys are definitely sweeter, sexier, and more full of good vibes. Hotties can be snobby, self-righteous and cold. So you're right about expressing beauty instead of being a inanimate model.


Blogger ... said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 10:45:00 AM) : 

Devils advocate talking:

ok so i'm gonna get lynched for this - and i'm not spellcheckin it suckers and as some of you may know, spelling is not my strong point, but here goes....

I am totally guilty of this - on my blog. I am also occasionally guilty of it in life - but not very often. I am aware everyone is flawed, i am aware no one wants or needs perfect - hell the most attractive feature i could place on a man is a crooked smile - the more off kilter the better - everyone loves the outlaw afterall. Regardless of this i am still a pretty confident person - i am in ways known for it - i am confident enough to open my mouth here even though i know the majority may disagree - and i do it just as often in my daily life. Those of you who read my blog know i don't hold back much - maybe i give a bit too much - but at least it's real. Here in the internet world of blogging we can give voice to our fears and insecurities - we can let them out, let them go, let them float away from us - it's freeing. I have no problem laying bare what it feels like to look in the mirror and not be happy with it (for the moment) just as i have no problem showing the blog world pictures of my broken moments. We all, everyone, no matter how confident, at times feel inadequate. If we didn't we would all be cocky bastards. When i post about not appreciating my body or flaws in my body at any given time - i don't do it for the reasurances(though they are appreciated) or becuase that is what i truely think about myslef - i do it becuase it is rattling around in my head and it will do me some good to let it out and get it the hell out of there. Blogging is a release for me, it's a cleansing of the soul. I may post dumb shit and tags, and even the nekkid pictures, but they all serve a purpose. Sometimes we need to play, sometimes we need to cry, soemtimes we need to whisper our fears into the wind and let it carry them away. This is my wind. I won't feel bad about questioning my flaws, and i won't not write about them, and i won't feel like it is wrong or stupid to have them - they are there the only thing to do is to release them. i vote for letting out my insecurities - they do me alot more good on a typed page than trapped in my head.

Disagree is you may - but tell me you've never looked down at your cock and thought it wasn't as big as the next guys, or she didn't scream as loud as the last time and you thought it was something wrong with you. We are all insecure - it's human. I vote instead of feeling bad about it we have freakin tell me your fears friday and put them the fuck out there.

thanks for the ear and i know you love my anti-spelling style rant =)

let the lynching begin


Blogger ... said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 10:49:00 AM) : 

oh and in honor of "tell me your fears friday" here goes - i am afraid that because i cannot for the life of me spell words correctly - no matter how hard i try - that i will be viewed as stupid or uneducated - neither of which is true. I'm also posting this on my blog (the fears friday thing) feel free to post anon if you must - but get it out people!!)


Blogger bricotrout said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 11:05:00 AM) : 

i so want you to do this 'tell me your fears friday' it is exactly what is missing out there!! do it on your site asap. start it up! its all yours! go for it please!
and you are indeed right that our blog is our therapeutic safe haven and shouldnt be restricted. i wasnt so much complaining that women express such concerns but wanted to point out just how often i see these consuming concerns of theirs are completely unwaranted. if you feel it, type it. but find a way to feel better about yourself in the end at least.


Blogger StrangeMadness said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 11:07:00 AM) : 

I've only been an HNTer for a couple weeks, but it has totally reaffirmed my belief in my fellow man. This post has multiplied that exponentially. Thank you. What an amazing man you must be.


Blogger Mara said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 11:17:00 AM) : 

I think I've fallen in love with femi... um DNQ of course that is.



Blogger ... said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 12:02:00 PM) : 

ah brico told me someone had a crush on his comments =) i was hoping it was him ;) thanks h2o - and it's ok if it's Q too.... i get it all the time. hhhehehehe


Blogger bricotrout said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 12:06:00 PM) : 

femi, i just got myself under control here! you want me to start THAT up again? DNQ? fill us in...
btw, you were my #10,000 congrats!


Blogger John said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 12:19:00 PM) : 



I agree with every word!

I stopped by from Os's HNT post and read your post today.

I've linked you over in my Hideout. I also put a quick link to this post in my post today because I wanted to propigate your message.



Blogger ... said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 12:27:00 PM) : 

Yea! I was 10,000!!! i'm hoping to hit 5 this weekend... it depresses me that naked brico throwing up gets more traffic than naked femi crying =P
guess you gotta give the people what they want
dnq - dearly not queerly

although i am often taken as a lebian at face value. don't know why that'd be.


Blogger Mellissa said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 1:00:00 PM) : 

I know this is a long comment, but I agree with Bric - I am a 37 year old woman with some grey hairs and lines around my face, with a soft stomach and breasts that are not as high up as they used to be - but I love myself (most days) and realize that men love that. And when I forget a little of the power I hold as a WOMAN, not a little girl, I read this. I hope you get something from it also.

by Maya Angelou

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a model's fashion size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.

I say
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips
The stride of my steps
The curl of my lips.

I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees
Then they swarm around me
A hive of honey bees.

I say
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth
The swing of my waist
And the joy in my feet.

I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.

I say
It's in the arch of my back
The sun of my smile
The ride of my breasts
The grace of my style.

I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.

I say
It's in the click of my heels
The bend of my hair
The palm of my hand
The need for my care.

'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.


Blogger Osbasso said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 2:01:00 PM) : 

I wasn't going to comment, but then I read Mellissa's. Great poem from a great woman!

While I agree with your initial statement, Brico, I find myself agreeing more with Femi. I know that you and I and 95% of HNTers aren't looking at the pics and examining them for all their "flaws". And deep down, I don't think anyone who posts their "flaws" really thinks we're going to shun them if we "see" them. None of us is totally happy with our bodies, and if that's what is on someone's mind, then let them speak it. I am far more opposed to a commenter daring to point out what they might consider a "flaw". And that, unfortunately, is beginning to happen.

Do some mention their "flaw" in order to get the feel-good comments? Probably. And have our comments, over time, gotten a little generic? Of course. I have stopped myself from making light of a crooked toe, or a strangely placed freckle (NO ONE COMES TO MIND HERE PEOPLE!), simply because I don't know if that's a "flaw" that the person has been dealing with all their life. It may be a joke to me, but the person may run off crying because "it must be so obvious...."

Have I strayed from my original thoughts? Probaby. It's a flaw of mine....


Blogger Michelle said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 2:43:00 PM) : 

You are an amazing man. I for one don't look for astounding beauty when I'm looking at HNT photos. I'm looking at the creativity,unflinchingly boldness and/or the openness of someone else's pictures.

I also agree with Femi here though. If you can't open up on your blog, where can you?


Blogger Jada said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 5:58:00 PM) : 

Thank you so much for posting so eloquently what has been on my mind since joing the HNT circle of friends. So often, no one is a harsher critic of a woman's body than the woman herself. It has taken me some time to become comfortable in my body, and I would never trade what I have today for the super tight teen age body I used to have if it meant also taking on the insecurities I had at the time. Thanks!

And thank you too for the sweet comments on my profile pic. xoxo


Blogger Robin said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 6:34:00 PM) : 

Well, what does it say about my secret insecurities that I immediately went to my comments to see if you called me "honey"? Oh boy... Fear Friday...yeah.


Blogger lime said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 8:26:00 PM) : 

brico, thank YOU. we needed to hear that. i know i am often self-deprecating. sometimes just to be humorous and not take myself too seriously. other times it is because i'm feeling really insecure and hoping my comment takes the sting out of someone else making it first. thanks again


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 9:25:00 PM) : 

The best part of this, is the honesty for discussion that you have created and that is respectfull to everyone. Bravo.


Blogger Unknown said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 9:55:00 PM) : 

Here Here!

Love ya Brico!


Blogger Jessica said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 10:56:00 PM) : 

I don't know what to say that hasn't been said. But I couldn't just not comment after reading this. Amen and here here, brother!!


Blogger Unknown said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 11:06:00 PM) : 

authenticity creates a realm of possility that didn't otherwise exist...thanks for your creation...i'm totally enjoying standing in the light


Blogger Tammy said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 11:55:00 PM) : 

We love you too, Brico and it's just for this reason. You see and appreciate the obvious and the subtle.

I admit I pointed out a scar in my HNT but it wasn't in a negative way, I was simply remembering the funny memory of a six-year mind. But there are alot of people who are down on themselves.

There is nothing and no one more sexy than the confident yet humble person. I don't always love the skin I'm in but I am happy with it 90% of the time. Thanx for this post.


Blogger jolie said ... (Saturday, October 22, 2005 8:44:00 AM) : 

Aspen is one lucky girl to have a dad like you.

I think it's super cool of you to put that out there - you're a special man!

Forces of good: 1
Forces of evil: 0


Blogger •♥•m•♥• said ... (Saturday, October 22, 2005 8:50:00 AM) : 

when I married my ex....my parents (mom)asked "what if he doesnt look like that someday?"....Then what? and What she meant by that is he was a professional bodybuilder, 240 4% bodyfat ripped....and BEAUTIFUL. Was I attracted and hot for his bod?? YES of course....but I know my mom was checking to see if our souls were in sync. My father told me...someday....your bodies will be saggy and old and not work like they do today,,,,,,U better be sure U two can talk to eachother ...because it may be all thats left........Long story short.....Ive always thought the BRAIN is the sexiest organ on anyone!


Blogger The Smoking Redhead said ... (Saturday, October 22, 2005 11:34:00 AM) : 

Brico, you are amazing and thank you!

(hope you don't mind me linking to this post)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:47:00 PM) : 

hear hear... having a daughter with a scar that goes form one side of her stomach tot he other... we are all about being proud of what we are and who we are in our household. She will show off her scar with pride... hopefully we can keep her feeling this way.

Thank you for this wonderful piece. I think you just helped me decide on my next HNT.


Blogger Shannin said ... (Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:52:00 PM) : 

What a great post! While I am not one of those women who have insulted myself (I don't think!), maybe a bit of insight: When the women TAKE and POST the pics, they like them. In an effort to "beat them to the punch", they point out and insult what they feel others might insult. Say, they post their tummy...obviously they like it to some degree. But, they know it isn't hard as rocks or anything, so they talk bad about it before anyone else has a chance to. A defense mechanism, in my not-so-professional opinion!


Blogger Spinning Girl said ... (Saturday, October 22, 2005 5:20:00 PM) : 

bra-VO, honey.


Blogger Tish said ... (Sunday, October 23, 2005 1:00:00 AM) : 

Wow, Brico. Excellent post! I'm very impressed.


Blogger Tess said ... (Sunday, October 23, 2005 10:45:00 AM) : 

So true Brico and thank you for pointing that out. I personally haven't seen the negative comments but then I usually can't seem to find time to read them all, so many HNT'ers, so little time.

Personally I am a 47 year woman, who is as imperfect as they come, but I am also more confident now then I have ever been. I embrace my sexuality and sensuality despite the belly that I hate or the new wrinkle I may spy in the mirror. I know the people in my life see beyond those "imperfections" and love my spirit, my energy and my sensuality.

I am not saying we shouldn't notice our imperfections, we are all human, but we should never fixate on them. We need to know that what we are in total is so much greater then the sum of our collective tits, asses and pretty faces.


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