
The Game time is running out! last chance!

Hey contestants! Don't forget! 11:59 pm eastern time! All responses due! Good luck! There may be an extension due to extenuating circumstances for one beloved contestant. I'll keep you posted. PUT YOUR DARN BLOGNAMES AND USER NAMES ON YOUR ANSWERS PEOPLE!!! DONT MAKE ME LOOK FOR THEM!! I DONT HAVE YOUR REAL NAMES OR EMAIL ADDRESSES MEMORIZED!!! thanks

Comments on "The Game time is running out! last chance!"


Blogger Mara said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 1:28:00 PM) : 

::stomps a little foot:: YOU KNOW WHICH ONE IS MINE!! lol... it says ::smooches:: Mara at the end!


Blogger Megan said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 7:00:00 PM) : 

Only 3 hours left and I have 7 yet to identify. Woohoo! I haven't felt this alive since college finals.


Blogger Spinning Girl said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 7:46:00 PM) : 

OK, I totally lost. I was in Boston with 400 8th graders and I just couldn't play.


Blogger Megan said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 8:16:00 PM) : 

Well, Brico, you have my answers. I'll be emailing you a picture of my notes, as kate suggested. It was fun, and I found some blogs that I REALLY need to pay more attention to, but I'm glad this is over. God, I'm OCD when it comes to games.


Blogger Megan said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 9:58:00 PM) : 

So are you going to announce anything at midnight, or should I just go to bed?


Blogger Sasha said ... (Friday, October 21, 2005 11:39:00 PM) : 

i'm rooting for you sis b! (sorry os - we girls have got to stick together... *smack*)


Blogger ... said ... (Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:29:00 AM) : 

AH! i forgot about the deadline! oh well i only had like 6 of them done - so i suck at the game - but the cutest Freckles gave me an ipod last week so maybe i was sabatoging to give someone a chance. =) can't wait to hear the winner.


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