
Ten Embarrassing Secrets About Me

1- I always wear socks to bed. Usually cool fleece socks though!
2- I think Whitney's version of "I Will Always Love You" is actually very good. I can't be the only one; she sings the HELL out of that!
3- I cried for Okasana Baiul when she won the gold. And would cry again under similar circumstances
4- I dance like a dorky goofball when Aspen asks me to. I draw the blinds first
5- Getting my 2nd (of 3) tattoos was SO painful I quit 30 seconds into it. With the help of Captain Morgan and some Tylenol I was able to see it through the next day
6-I've seen Anne Murray in concert. Notice that THAT is not in my concert log
7- I often forget how old I am and have to do the math. Careful what you smoke kids
8- I have severe acrophobia. It makes bungee jumping a REAL rush though
9- I hate beer! I'll get ill after a few sips. I can handle my weight in Jager though
10- I get incredibly sad on my favorite holiday (Thanksgiving). And I like it


Comments on "Ten Embarrassing Secrets About Me"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 3:49:00 AM) : 

Dancing like a dork with your daughter is NOT embarrassing!

I can never remember how old I am.

Not being able to finish the tattoo, now THAT is embarrassing. I think my opinion of you has changed. ;)


Blogger bricotrout said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 4:38:00 AM) : 

okay you bastards! noone else is alowed to poke fun, criticize or change their oppinion unless they are willing to do this list themselves!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 5:56:00 AM) : 

I usually wear socks to bed too. My feet are always cold.


Blogger Leska McCall said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 9:24:00 AM) : 

I have to do the age/math thing too. Mustn't be too bad since I can still do the subtr!


Blogger jamwall said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 10:32:00 AM) : 

1. Fishing boots for me.
2. That song blew a lotta air out of Whitney, which created a cocaine and bobby brown vacuum.
3. i sob uncontrollably when i think of tanya harding's shoelaces.
4. i hire other people to dance like dorky goofballs for me.
5. if i were getting a tattoo, i would first check with my friends jack daniels, jim beam and "the captain" morgan.
6. that bitch anne murray!
7. i often forget that i'm caucasion until i look in the mirror.
8. my fear of clowns makes wearing floppy shoes a major rush.
9. jager makes me ill, and i could drink my entire weight in beer.
10. thanksgiving is actually all about arlo guthrie!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 11:08:00 AM) : 

Ok El Wimpo... my list is up.


Blogger jenbeauty said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 11:45:00 AM) : 

I just may steal this and put a list up of my own. Although, I really don't get embarrassed much.


Blogger *** said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 1:09:00 PM) : 

Any time I hear or read Whitney Houston now, all I think about if this clip the local radio station plays all the time from the Bobby and Whitney show. "Kiss my ass!" I'm assuming she was yelling this to Bobby...it's so funny!


Blogger Erik said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 3:34:00 PM) : 

A very PostSecret worthy list!


Blogger Pirate said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 4:48:00 PM) : 

Now we know where your weak parts are. Good post. I have no idea what circle you were taking me on your post at my blog.


Blogger D said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 8:59:00 PM) : 

if you don't drink beer....then what is your beverage of choice?


Blogger bricotrout said ... (Tuesday, September 06, 2005 10:25:00 PM) : 

maybe our socks should shower together?

i cant wait till the long division comes into it

nicely done

im honored, seriously

its not stealing. id love to see it catch on! theyre all free to the creative minds that wil ldo them justice

i aint even trying to watch THAT show

what is PostSecret?

note to self: the scaliwag knows too much!

i knew i wasnt the only one who liked it! when the customer in your corner booth starts singing it out loud. youll know its me ;)

i never met a bottle of rum i didnt like. thanks for stopping by


Blogger jolie said ... (Wednesday, September 07, 2005 7:06:00 PM) : 

oh lordie, this is going to have to be my next list, in'it?

thanks for the inspiration/humiliation. check in to the hall of justice tomorrow for my embarrassing secrets.


Blogger Webmiztris said ... (Wednesday, September 07, 2005 7:27:00 PM) : 

anne murray - ha!!

my husband never remembers his age either. he's always asking me, "how old am I again?" I'm like, "I'm not tellin'."


Blogger Purring said ... (Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:36:00 PM) : 

I always forget how old I am. On purpose.


Blogger Stella said ... (Thursday, September 08, 2005 8:46:00 PM) : 

I don't know if I can respect a man who cried when Oksana won.

Just kidding. I weeped my eyes dry too.

P.S. Jager is my drink of choice. Not for the taste, of course. It tastes like Grandpa's cough syrup. I like the after effects of Jager.


Blogger Spinning Girl said ... (Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:34:00 PM) : 

awwww! stuff like this makes me misty.


Blogger Mona said ... (Tuesday, October 04, 2005 9:26:00 PM) : 

Now that's revealing...thanks for sharing!

I love that Whitney song, too, and Mariah Carey's "Hero" for some unknown reason. And I HATE admitting it.


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