Sentence Saturday
I hope my fellow bloggers will forgive me for having the arrogance to try and create a weekly reader participation post. There are so many of these in the blogosphere already that my first inclination is to avoid it like cold lima beans. However, I'm going to go with my second inclination that this might actually be fun and funny. If you all want to participate in the creativity then please do. Hopefully this will catch on... If not, well, I still have oxygen. Sentence Saturday. The idea is that I will start things off by either making up or thumbing through that big book with all the words in it and come up with a bizarre and intriguing word. The first person to leave a comment will make up a sentence for that word. Then they will finish things off by leaving a word of their own for the next person. Creativity is the key here. And since things are always funnier with a sexual innuendo applied, feel free to let lose! But that's not required of course. Heres an example: Commenter 1: Osteoclosis Commenter 2: As soon as Kalani saw the infected osteoclosis on my tongue, she rinsed with mouthwash for an hour. Strigose Commenter 3: The prostitute told me that a strigose would run me $250! Tithonus Etc, Etc Ever'body think they understand? Are we ready to give this a whirl? Put your creativity caps on... Let's go! Flimmcious |
Comments on "Sentence Saturday"
Good idea, Brico! I'm up for it...bring it on!
*shaking his head in bewilderment* kristi, honey, the word was "flimmcious" see it up there? You have the wrong cap on!!
"FLIMMCIOUS" !! dale, talk to her!
I leaned in and slowly peeled his zipper apart. He sprung forth and a slight bead of sweetness glistened from the top. I held it firmly between my lips and gave it a soft slow wumpherninckle. He moaned in ecstasy and cried for more. "Give me the zyquezabe, please give it to me!"
damn it didn't underline!
I would like to thank word verification for inspiration
Um, yeah Brico. I thought it was Sentence SATURDAY. Today is FRIDAY. That would be my (lame) excuse for not using "flimmicious."
That being stated..."Honey, I can't reach the zyquezabe with my hand up here."
i shot mr. robinson in the zyquezabe and he will never be able to make love or play tennis again. THERAMIN
i had a whimsical time playing this game with overlapping sentences. continuity.
That the wainscotting was in need of serious repair was obvious, but I didn't need to be reminded in front of all of my friends that I should have fixed it. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper.
The day I was caught in the motel with a goat, a big bag of weed, the screaming Peruvian housekeeper charging at me with the phalarope was the last day I was welcome on the Island. Triation
i'm a self-proclaimed ironman of watching threes company marathons, so therefore i've done a trithalon. INCUBATOR
i thought i'd have to negotiate and find some sort of lop[hole that would allow me to substitute an easy word for a harder one, but it looks like i've lucked out.
err....ahh- i meant to type "loophole"
at least i got "ONOMATOPOEIA" right.
i shot mr. robinson in his onomatopeoia when he told me that i just injured his 2nd favorite organ. DIRTNAP.
I would love for my husband to go take one long DIRTNAP cause that motherfuck is in even bigger trouble then before!
my hand was only inches away from the heat of her phagocytic. she wasnt resisting. it looked like tonight was going to be the night!
As I lay gasping for air and searching for a glass of water the sudden awareness of my own nihilty was ever calming.
His DICOTYLEDON was the largest I had ever seen, I couldn't wait to see how far I could get it in.
She laughed in disdain when I whipped out my small to medium coquetry. Trying to save face, I replied: "It's not the size of your coquetry but how you use it." She laughed disdainfully once more.
The girl said to the police officer has she was being pulled over: "I sthwear Mr. Ocifer, I'm not as drunk as I think I am..I just came back from a tennis termanent...." BUSTED. ;)
after watching steve slide across the floor and land on his ass in the middle of her prized whoopee cushion collection, monica exclaimed, "steve- you are so soliloquy!"
i thought about posting a picture of my pabulum next thursday, in honor of hnt, but i just can't seem to find a position that allows decent lighting.
i suppose i could take it with a shadow and then use photoshop to highlight my pabulum.
people used to describe me as having recalcitrant ways with a loving spoonfull of narcissm, despite the fact that i didn't really have any mirrors in the house.
The hand job I received while reading and posting blogs this morning was absolutely splendiforous.
Scrumptrulescent. (Courtesy of Will Farrell.)
make it the hell up please. real meanings arent too funny. in fact if youre going to pick a real word out of the book lets make it one that NOONE is going to have heard of (except kirl, he knows everything). feel free to make up the word but definately make up the meaning!
i've been making up any old thing....just because it's easier to make my comments dirty and i'm feeling a bit lazy this weekend.
i'm so hungry right now, that the thought of a big ol' plate of nachos is truly scrumptrulescent.
One must be careful with the forceps as the foreskin can break causing tchopitoulous, which is never good when castrating a beaver.
Oh this is too fun lol ...
Apparently my method of picking potential boyfriends has landed me yet again another hooligan! I really must pay more attention to "the other" body parts when i'm choosing. :)
After he was through with the massage, he felt a bit of empasm which seemed to help greatly with the orgasm.
(so okay..I'm not so original to make up a word...hehehe)
he was being a nughty, naughty boy, so i gave him a good threshing with my tongue.
that Taco Bell taco supreme left me feeling quite turgid in the stomach.
that taco bell made me so flebberous, that i was able to easily clear a room.
The heat of the moment was ruined when I couldn't find my favorite pink plendorfus.
It was only fitting that Asshole Jim got sent to the hospital with a groin injury stemming from a stray shuttlecock.
I hate to break the chain here, but I'm laughing so hard at hippotit! It's right up there with the word "fucktard".
Whoever is next .. go back to the word "pussywillow"
Notice how the pussywillow beckons to be touched.
(great idea!)
"he promised me that his tallywacker was infallible *sighs* 1 minute later, I should have known better"
(*laughs* its not to late to join..bloggers are still searching for their cameras..i might have to scoot back the deadline it seems i made some a bit to hard hehehe)
I know I had only just met her but I felt an irresistable desire to take her home and show her my forsooth maneuvre...I wonder if she was ready for it?
she was ecstatic! noone had ever found her smockle spot before. she knew she would be coming back for more.
That will wind things up for this week. hope everyone had fun and learned some new words. thanks to all who participated, tell your fellow bloggers. and come back next saturday with all new words!
Great idea B. You have a niche for all things fifth grade (but I am right there with ya). Look forward to next week. :)
Dammit! I missed a really good time.
Fine, I'll just use Kalani.
i'm going to go out on a limb here and assume this feature will be back next week.
so, only 5 more days to go......
*looking up big words while waiting patiently*