A funny Thing Happened on the Way to My Blog
Yesterday, HNT day, I checked into cyberspace for a moment to see how things were coming along with all the HNTers (nicely done Summer, NICELY DONE!). During this time, I also catch up on the comments I had been receiving (and to finally put the questions to rest: yes, that was a folded up t-shirt I was 'ironing'; no, the iron most certainly was not on... I'm not sure if its ever been on come to think of it {except for that time Miguel and I tried inventing a new drinking game - THAT was a long night at the emergency room!}; and no, I do not know how to iron). Moving on, there was one comment at this time that caught my eye. I'm paraphrasing because I'm too lazy to open up a second browser window at the moment, "Wow Brico, so glad I share a state with you. If you're ever in the neighborhood you are welcome to come iron me out!" Well, always wanting to keep all options open, I click on the link to see who may have offered such a nice... um, offer. So when I arrive at her homepage to check out the fleshiness before me this is what I see. I think my comment to her post says it all. And you can ignore her reply. She is backpedaling faster than the entire Bush administration combined! Sis, the true intentions of your comment were clear! Thanks for the offer, but call me next trimester k? Actually, that moment was the biggest laugh I had yesterday (in cyberland or otherwise) so thank you sis b. But the story continues, sis b shows up later to make comment #100! I felt a prize was in order. Not the kind of prize like you see flashing every other time you click on a website that says CONGRATULATIONS!! YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO RECEIVE FREE* GAS FOR LIFE (when we all know by now that that little asteris means 'not really free' or 'not real gas'). No, a real prize was in order. So I give the only thing I can give. All of me!! Yes, I got a lot of flack about my stance on linking and when to keep it in your pants and when to pull it out. So to show my gratification for you breaking my proverbial 100 comment cherry, and to show everyone out there in Rusty Nut Land that I am not really that much of a hardass or truly that uptight about things... You, sis b, have been linked. Get your toothbrush, you're staying over! And thanks to everyone else who commented (quite the compliments from Trustworthy Blonde and Web miztris) see you all next week! Now, no comments anybody for a few hours please. sis b and I, we'll be needing our privacy. |
Comments on "A funny Thing Happened on the Way to My Blog"
Congrats on making 100 comments! :)
100 comments!? see, I could you it was the best! I don't know anyone else who gets 100 comments for HNT!
I thought you ironed it flat. What kind of privacy could you possibly need?
Thanks for the props! I'm glad you liked my surprise picture. ;)
damn you are the popular boy brico - the nekkid ladies don't even get that much love... and a couple hours?! damn... i feel short-changed....
Brico, Brico, Brico...
Once again you GROSSLY misquoted me, so let me set the record straight. Here is the quote in toto:
"Brico, I am so glad I share a state with you! If you're in the 'hood, you can iron my stuff any time."
Now, where I come from, "stuff" can have a variety of meanings, and its definition is usually contigent upon what the speaker (or typer) wants it to be. In this case, I, as the typer, get to define what "stuff" means. I define it as "shirts and slacks, with the occasional silk nightie".
I'm sorry you read so much more into it (as I most definitely did not offer to let you iron me out), but I think I'll let you keep the toothbrush all the same. :)
And I thought the prize would be free laundering for a year...
sis b,
why you hatin? i aint even trying to hear all that! oh yeah, youre out of scope! ;)
You know... I could use some ironing done myself... heh heh. You know? It's cyberspace - it's the e-world... it's semi-anonymous...
ahh well. Thanks for the daily dose!
I love Sis's attitude! B she's giving you a run for your money, it's about time someone did. ;)
Well I WAITED a few hours before I COMMENTED... Damnit!! I'm so friggin jealous!
Oh, Brico, I ain't hatin'. You just wouldn't like me as much if I weren't so damned sassy. :)
So did we just have our first blogger's quarrel?
Children !!......Do we need to seperate U?.......Now...for the record....B-man? I know because U have a penis...your wiring is different and what I mean by that is.....when U (males) have anything female nekkid within viewing range,...your ears and ability to read immediately cease to function.......so: I think when you went over to sisB's site and saw the pic.....U DIDNT READ ...that it clearly states "yeah..I know ....this pic is a few yrs old". You proceeded to qhickly write a comment. Now ...even if she DID imply that she wished you to iron her "stuff"......whats the big deal? Shes NOT preggers now !!!
Okay....back to the books......and you kids go outside to play...mommy needs her PEACE!!!!
sis b,
NAH NAH! mom2b took MY side!!! :P
You have an interesting and refreshing personality. Sorry the ladies are fighting over you, our fighting you off, couldn't happen to a better guy. The blog star you are!
This is a good natured man statement.
oooh the best sex always comes after a little tiff.... i'm refraining from making dirty position references... for fear that brico would delate me and my crass ass. hehehehe i know what i'm thinking though.
Jenny you sniffed me out. I guess I might as well make it public I dreamed about that cowboy hat. Oh yeah then I remembered I am not gay.
forget brico- you're going to deprive the rest of us of dirty position references?
you are so cruel.