
Ten Things that I've laughed at in the Last 24 Hours

I was going to post 'Ten Ways Things have gotten Worse" since I didn't feel like being witty in the wake of the worst national disaster in U.S. history and having seen so much suffering over the last 2 days. But then the topic came to me: Honor the tragedy and our idiocy as a race at the same time with a little humor...

Ten Things that I've Laughed at in the Last 24 Hours
1- Looters stocking up on candy + beer rather than medicine, water, toilet paper & dairy products
2- A caller on Larry King asking snootily how much other countries had pledged in aid so far. My thoughts went to the idea of Donald Trump losing a mansion to fire and seeking donations from the rest of us to cover his losses
3- People waiting in line for hours for gas when there is no electricity for miles. Gas pumps need power to pump
4- Analyst calculating that Mississippi stands to lose $500 thousand a day since its gambling barges were destroyed. Was there going to be a plethora of gamblers with expendable cash at the tables if they were still operating?
5- Hearing our ever poignant alpha male Bush say "This recovery will take a long time. This recovery will take...uh (long pause) years"
6- A grossly obese woman complaining she hadn't had a HOT meal since yesterday. Picture yourself as an obese person and say this outloud. It's hysterical
7- Footage of a looter getting mad at other looters who tried to dip into his basket
8- Tragedy footage interrupted by a commercial of a publisher Clearinghouse million dollar winner celebrating. Way to jump on that strategic air time slot guys!
9- Pat Robertson I was just channel surfing and it was old footage. I didn't stop or hear what he was saying but ANY time I see his mug I have to laugh out loud
10- Catching myself grumbling about the new $3.29 gas prices at my neighborhood pump


Comments on "Ten Things that I've laughed at in the Last 24 Hours"


Blogger jamwall said ... (Wednesday, August 31, 2005 7:42:00 PM) : 

#1 should probably include plasma TV's in that looting basket. first you have to make sure that object doesn't get wet and then you have to find a place to plug it in!

#2 usually happens with professional sports team owners when they ask for $$$ to build stadiums.

#3 well, that factoid will keep me from making an ass out of myself if the power goes out over here.

#4 when the looters cash in their loot at the pawn shop, they'll be headed straight for the gambling barge

#5 "i'm......uh....lame duck president...."

#6 actually i see myself as a giant sumo wrester complaining that i haven't had any sushi and saki since yesterday. then i proceed to wrestle the reporter to the ground.

#7 looters carrying around dip??? yum!

#8 "hey mom! is that the 'prize patrol' raft floating to our doorstep??"

#9 pat robertson looks great in a porn mustache!

#10 if you need to siphon gas from another automobile. make sure not to suck on the rubber hose for too long! bad bad bad results!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Wednesday, August 31, 2005 7:59:00 PM) : 

I was just curious if you were still all nekkid. I didn't even read this post. ;)


Blogger *** said ... (Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:09:00 PM) : 

Number one could also be, heavily armed (AK-47's) looters fight for Twinkies...news at seven!


Blogger jenbeauty said ... (Thursday, September 01, 2005 8:46:00 AM) : 

Excellant list...my fav the obese woman. Maybe she will lose 10 lbs. through this tragedy. *rolls eyes* and gives a *giggle*


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