
hey you kids! get away from my car! Posted by Picasa

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Blogger •♥•m•♥• said ... (Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:49:00 PM) : 

CUte ....did Aspen do that??? ......anywho...thanx for the tip on settings,,,,,I abhore those anonymoosings........trodding thru my page......Peace.....Doc


Blogger bricotrout said ... (Wednesday, August 17, 2005 4:01:00 PM) : 

wanna hear something scary? i used to be a teacher. before the incident that is.
this was taken at a class project in Colorado Springs.


Blogger •♥•m•♥• said ... (Wednesday, August 17, 2005 4:29:00 PM) : 

ah..........Okay...I'll BITE....."the incident"???
(nervously imagining the possible answers...) DOC


Blogger bricotrout said ... (Wednesday, August 17, 2005 5:34:00 PM) : 

okay okay, time to put the past in front of me. look for
Ten Reasons I'm No Longer A Teacher
coming soon.


Blogger •♥•m•♥• said ... (Friday, August 19, 2005 2:23:00 AM) : 

okay....the rest of you out there ....have me to thank whence this posting comes to fruition!!! (or maybe not.....we shall see!?!?)


Blogger duff said ... (Monday, August 22, 2005 6:15:00 PM) : 

one day i, too, will be able to write a "ten reasons i'm no longer a teacher" post.

the notion that you were once responsible for molding young minds scares me a little, though.


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