
Ten Events During Which I Remember Where I was

1- First Space Shuttle launch
2- The death of Elvis
3- Nixon's resignation
4- Elway's first game
5- Jim Jones mass suicide
6- Chernyobol
7- Reagan's assasination attempt
8- The storming of the U.S. Embassy in Iran
9- Lennon's assasination
10- The death of Jerry Garcia
do you remember where you were ?


Comments on "Ten Events During Which I Remember Where I was"


Blogger jamwall said ... (Monday, August 01, 2005 8:16:00 PM) : 

oh my god man!!! did that stuff really happen???

all i remember is kind of a purple haze and floating heads or something wierd!


Blogger duff said ... (Friday, August 05, 2005 7:26:00 PM) : 

1- First Space Shuttle launch
uh......i think i was too busy being potty trained at the time....assuming i'd been born by then. (i'm too lazy to look up the date.)

i remember the challenger explosion, though.

2- The death of Elvis

i wasn't even in the womb yet.

3- Nixon's resignation

see above

4- Elway's first game

err....ah...i will have to find a boy to ask about the date on that one before i can supply you with an answer.

5- Jim Jones mass suicide

6- Chernyobol

chernobyl? hmm...none of my three brains recall that one.

7- Reagan's assasination attempt

i was young for this one, too. since i'm not exactly a reagan fan, it's not one of the useless bits of trivia rolling around in my noggin.

8- The storming of the U.S. Embassy in Iran

hmmmm....i remember when some of the journalists were freed.

9- Lennon's assasination

too young for this one (i was alive, though, just for the record.)

10- The death of Jerry Garcia

i remember when it happened, but i'm not a huge deadhead, so i don't recall what i was doing when i found out.

i could tell you the events of the day i found out michael hutchence died, though.

feel old yet?


Blogger bricotrout said ... (Friday, August 05, 2005 8:50:00 PM) : 

they happened but it was all scripted and rehearsed beforehand.

i dont mind feeling old. but i DO mind someone thinking im a reagan fan!!!! but gosh almighty, with W in da house, reagan is starting to look pretty good!! and thats the MOST conservative thing youll ever hear me say.


Blogger Chris said ... (Friday, August 12, 2005 4:44:00 PM) : 

- first shuttle launch...are we talking the one that took off from atop the 747? If so, I was bored out of my mind watching it on tv.
- Death of Elvis...ironically enough, I was in the bathroom when I heard my sister screaming from her bedroom.
- Nixon's resignation...Can't Remember
- Elway's first game...Can't Remember
- Jim Jones mass suicide...Can't remember, but I DO remember sitting in the barber shop staring down at the pictures in a Time Magazine.
- Cheryobol...Can't remember, but I remember my Saturday morning cartoons being interrupted due to 3-Mile Island
- Reagan's assisination attempt...I remember coming home from school and my mom glued to the television
- US embassy in Iran...Can't Remember
- Lennon's assisination...Can't remember, but it IS the day before my birthday
- The death of Jerry Garcia...I was getting high


Blogger BUMBLE!!! said ... (Friday, October 14, 2005 9:51:00 PM) : 

I was in the basemet of a record store in London, England, with the 14 year old brother of this gal that I was dating (they were both British, she 10 years older than he) and I was trading stupid punk stuff for Grateful Dead (and other CD's) when the guy at the counter was like, "he's dead." "WHO?" "Jerry, their singer, he's dead." I tried to explain it to the kid, but he just didn't get it. Sadly, I had only started to get into them 2 months prior to that and I swore I'd see a show when I got back to America. Saw a couple Furthers, Phish 13x, but it wasn't the same as it would have been had I saw the Dead that summer, but then again, the Dead were my tie to America when I was happy in Britain, but needed something to keep me uniquely American. When my mom started listening to the Dead, it wasn't the same. There's about 20 songs I like, but I can't listen to 'em like I did in 95/96.


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