
Best Game Ever

5ive straight was created in the late '60's by a couple of guys who have refused to sell their genius out to the milton bradleys and hasbros of the world. so you wont find it on your target and wal mart shelves. all funding for manufacturing as well as the marketing, selling and shipping is done within their family unit. its fairly priced, easy to learn, and as they warn on their instructions: highly addictive. if youre a game player you will want to add this one to your collection. ive yet to introduce someone to it who doesnt thoroughly enjoy it. testimonials? anyone? Posted by Hello

Comments on "Best Game Ever"


Blogger Juli said ... (Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:31:00 AM) : 

Hey wait! I was green! Why didn't I get five straight?!?

Word of wisdom to potential players... don't play with someone who has been playing this game for as long as brico!


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