
Blues Traveler / Sheryl Crow

Sat Oct 15, 1994 Univ of Minn
I hade been back in the country for only 2 days (notice the big gap in dates there?) i didnt know the opening act so my friend who i was staying who got the tickets played 'all i wanna do' for me and i was ill. it was the number one song in the U.S. at the time and i was ready to leave the country again! all I wanted to do was not have to sit through that song at the show. so we went late and caught just her last song, and you guessed it, that was the one i had to sit through. she has since redeemed herself. i like much of her work but still hate that particular tune.
BT played Crystal Flame with Popper on classic acoustic guitar and i was absolutely dumfounded at how good he was. why doesnt he pick up that instrument more often?!
Four tour

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