HNT #5 9-22-05 Let Your Love Light Shine
This HNT Submission was my personal choice favorite for 2005 and was reposted as such December 29th 2005. All orange text was added for the end of the year reposting. This was the HNT pic that both opened my eyes to the possibilities that were available with Osbasso's idea and that got me truly into the spirit of things. If you look at my first four HNT pics it is obvious what changed with this one. A funny story: I usually post my HNT pic for the upcoming week that previous Sunday on My HNT Page, this pic having been no exception. The HNTer extraordinare whom I now refer to as Femom (you all know her work) saw this pic early and brought to my attention that I had inadvertently pressed my boys up to the lava lamp and they were quite visible. Upon realizing that I was showing a bit too much for my own comfort level, I retook the pic and changed it out before anyone further saw it. If you click on the asterisk underneath the haloscan comment link you will see all the original comments including hers (the second one after Kalani's). And 'NO' the original pic of this will not be reposted. Another funny thing worth mentioning about this pic: You can see *my mother's daughter*'s comment signaling that this pic indeed got her full attention. Subsequently, you can see Addict's comment where she attempts (and fails) to keep her daughter from in turn trying to get my attention. So it is no exaggeration to say this lava lamp HNT pic directly led to this HNT pic as well as this one a few months later. So, how could this NOT be my personal favorite? Thanks Os! And I'll see the rest of you next year. ![]() You better lava me now or lava me not! Now I don't know, I don't know, I don't know where I'm a gonna go when the volcano blow!" J. Buffett go to My HNT Page for previous HNT posts go to Osbasso's site for everyelse'slses HNT pics Happy Half Nekkid Thursday! |
Comments on "HNT #5 9-22-05 Let Your Love Light Shine"
I am a mixture of being amused, perplexed, and just totally awe struck. This definitely raises more questions then gives answers….
You’re fucking loco and that’s why I love you so.
OMG - you came from the future! this is your hot cock from two days from now! BTW - you can see your boys through the glass when you blow it up - well i guess you can see em in the reg picture - but i can REALLY see em then...
nice, ehem, light.
you soy muy loco, puta!
objects in mirror are larger than they appear!
Oh my lord, I think I just suffered a stroke.
Aww, I love it when you call me names, pendejo.
honestly man, you didn't have to go THAT far!
Well, you got look out for the girlies interest as well!! Happy HNT!!
wow, this is one of the best HNT's I've seen.
I love me some lava.
Oh my!! Yes please!! Choc covered!!! GREAT PIC! Happy HNT!!
THAT is REALLY good!!! Nice job.
Ouch! Man "stuff". It's not really what I wanted to see.
Is that really "lava" in there???
whoa! that's quite the flow you got there! cheers and happy hnt!
Oh my! What a huge...lava lamp you have there!
suddenly I feel like my house could use a retro lava lamp....nice!!!
I am not sure there is anything that I can type here that will do that photo any justice. That is a whole lot of sharing going on there. Not that I am complaining mind you - a nun like gal such as myself has got to get her titilation somewhere.
Wow, Happy HNT (to me!)
Cheers! ;)
Wow, I do believe this is one of the most um, interesting, HNT pictures I've seen. :)
And yes, after Femi-mommy's comment, I blew the pic up just to see!
Yuppers...Femi -mom is right!!! the boys are a swimming in the lavapit !! ROck- on MAN! I knew U had it in ya!! m
hahaha! Grrreat job! I was waiting for a guy to do the 'lava lamp' shot!
Hot Hot Hot!!!!
Lovin' it!!!!
Definatly the best HNT pic I've seen.
Yes, I blew up the pic after reading the comments.
Woa. I must stop staring...or the walls will start breathing.
Caliente. Muy caliente.
i will say what came to mind instantly and leave it at that...
holy shit...i want me some of
Dear God man! Put up a warning label of some sort. Where are those censorious FCC bastards when you need them? You're a braver and much more sturdily built man than I.
At least now I know where the name comes from. Rusty nuts indeed. (Or maybe that's just light bouncing off the lava lamp.)
It's about time you post your HNT where it belongs! Enjoy your HNT hot stuff. ~K
"And then, lava comes out."
You raise the bar, my man. You raise the bar. I don't care how much I don't like to see naked men. That pic is great!
OMG..I soooo forgot you all did this on Thursdays...I think I'm over my initial shock at 5:30 in the morning seeing that....lmao!!
See? I TOLD you that your Mom was HOT!
LOL! Awesome shot! Happy HNT!
It's not just the 'rusty nuts' you can see in the pic...decent head shot too. :)
Hmmmmm, never heard of HNT before this. Where'd it come from?
There's so much about this pic that I just LOVE to 'pieces'!
But I think my favorite is the Lava acting like your penis, and of course, the 'pre-cum' drop at the top ....
::raises a little pixie brow::
I'm just wondering HOW he's going to follow that one up NEXT week.
hehe, good one dude!!
Wow, very cool. Very original.
Very creative!
Happy HNT!
Thank God that lava lamp was there. Happy HNT! I'm up!
OMG! I love it! I think you should pose with Osbasso's pic there next week :)
You know, this is supposed to be half nekkid Thursday!! HALF! You're 100% nekkid!! That is one HOT lava lamp!!
Interesting... don't they get hot?
Happy HNT!
i couldnt think of a darn thing to say. honestly. speechless, almost.
Brilliant! Happy HNT!
Holy crap, Brico! You shocked the hell out of me. Dale was telling me about your post last night when he saw it, but today is my first look-see. You are indeed very, very brave.
You know I have been looking for a lava lamp like yours... No longer available in stores, can we borrow yours? It would look great in my bedroom! *wink*
Happy HNT
Best. Picture. EVER.
Oooh nice!
I wanna play too...But the problem is, I post more "half nekkid" pics than there are Thursdays...
Hmm. What to do, what to do...
oh my....i've GOT to get me some of that! you are really cool, though parts of you are obviously quite HOT.
You have nice hands.
Oh..oh my goodness.
I used to think you were crazy but now I see your nuts!
Is that a lava lamp in your pants or are you just happy to see me? Oh, you aren't wearing any pants...
VERY nice.
Happy HNT...
Good one!
*THUD* Holy Mary mother of god! Dude! you got me so distracted that I flicked my ashes into my glass of soda Lol. I will look at a lava lamp in a wholeeeeeeee different light now Lol. Happy HNT :)
I had to come back and look again today because I was so tired last night I could not trust that I had really seen what I thought I saw and well...
Seems I was not making things up, its all there.
You share really well.
Wayyy Creative! Happy HNT!!
Whoa. That's all I can say.
I can't really say anything that hasn't been said already. But that's fucking awesome.
OMG Kirlin did NOT go there, wait let me check...
Yes, he did!
Ahahahaha this is great B.
And remember all the times I bitched about how you linked your HNT....I was so right, wasn't I?
That is freaking awesome. I can't tell what's a distortion and what's real, however...
Uhh....well fuck me, that is just hot!
Nicely done!
that is... wow... that is... umm... absolutely amazing, nice camera work, I read some earlier comments, gonna blow it up now, get the full effect. Happy HNT!
So who was the lucky ducky that took the picture?
Most creative use of a prop I've seen so far! Nice thighs too!
Happy HNT!
BRICO - OMG! heeeellllooo!
Happy and hot HNT to you!
Happy HNT, indeed!!
LOL, nice use of the lava lamp :)
Happy HNT!
How creative & cool. That's quite a huge lava lamp ya got there. Now I'm singing!
LOL, I love it, Brico! You'll definitely get a mention in my post-HNT report. hehe. This is one of the best I've seen this week! But it does leave me with one question...
Did you get that big lava lamp to compensate for something?
yeah...not really sure what to say. it makes me giggle. very creative.
oh MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very nice!
That is kickass! Happy HNT. I was gonna say cow...but...damn that is original!! Nice HNT pic.
92 comments? that's got to be a record......