
Aspen Quote #8 (ever the keen observer)

Did you read that post previous to this? Read that first. I'll wait... Okay, last week I bought about 15 baby bananas in a bunch that I never got around to eating. Now a bunch of black bananas with yellow spots sit on my kitchen counter (because I never got around to tossing them out either it seems).
As I'm compiling that Ten Foods list you just read I'm trying to think of one last food that I don't like (note the cop out of green eggs and ham). So I employ Aspen's help. "Aspen, what is a food that daddy doesn't like?" She's in the kitchen getting herself something to drink at the time.
"You don't like meat"
"Yeah, I got that one"
"You don't like dill pickles"
"Yep, I got that one too"
"You apparently don't like bananas"
