
Aspen Quote #2

I have been teaching Aspen the finer aspects of chess for a while now. Among other things, she now understands the various moves that a pawn makes (when it can advance 2 squares, how it attacks, etc). So we're winding up the night last weekend with a game. By the third move I had let her advance her pawn into attack position of one of mine. (I want you all to know that I saw this attack coming - I was not blindsided!) Next move she takes my lone pawn. I therefore act (yes, act) like I hadn't seen that coming. She looks up at me over the rim of her glasses in a condescending manner and says
"Somebody didn't bring their 'A' game"
Now for those of you keeping score, thats Aspen: 2 Bricotrout: 0


Comments on "Aspen Quote #2"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Saturday, September 24, 2005 11:22:00 PM) : 

Brilliant! From the mouths of babes...

It does rock being a dad.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 1:24:00 AM) : 

You know I am beginning to want Aspen way more then you ;)

You know we live in a great neighborhood on a quiet culdesac. One of the best school districts and she can come visit you whenever she wants...

Just an offer ;)


Blogger Belly said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 1:31:00 AM) : 

*Smiles knowingly* Yup, I got one of them smart kids too. They are a h00t!



Blogger Lelly said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:45:00 AM) : 

I love the things kids come out with! Don't have any myself but have much-loved nephew, neices and godchildren (aged between 2 months and 13 years) Thanks for your comment about my avatar...only changed it a few days ago. Its a self-portrait taken around 10 years ago...when I was about your age! :-)


Blogger Wendy said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 6:24:00 AM) : 

Isn't it funny when they mimick us so perfectly ... right down to facial expressions, intonation, and hitting the "timing" of the remark dead on? My daughter does that to me frequently. It's better than looking in a mirror sometimes. Kids are fantastic - and it's most especially rewarding to know that they're paying attention to you - to your every word/move! :-)


Blogger ... said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 7:05:00 AM) : 

hahaha - gotta get on the ball with that a game brico! Genius Girls best quote so far wold be when they were talking about different races and skin colors at school and she was asking an indian friend of mine what color she was. Genius girl says "are you black" friend says "no, what color do i look?" genius girl replies "you're brown" friend says "what color is your mommy?' answer - "Blotchy"


Blogger Bobby said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 8:30:00 AM) : 

my dad stopped playing chess with me when I started winning.

a lot.

it was sad he wouldn't still play with me. And I guess a little sad I won all the time, too.


Blogger BUMBLE!!! said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 10:36:00 AM) : 

my dad never let me win at chess. I did tie a few times and won a few others, but had I mentioned something about not bringing the A game, I would have been offered to be sold to the gypsies or told that my comments matter when I start paying bills.

It's the little things in life.


Blogger kathi said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 3:09:00 PM) : 

Smarts and WIT'S...add that to those looks and you've got a handful!


Blogger bricotrout said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 5:36:00 PM) : 

you forget what you teach them alot of times till it comes back on you

i should have started alot earlier

i guess thats a compliment?
ill keep that in mind when the boys start calling

you too!

is that your way of saying i shouldnt flirt with you? foreshame!

well, im not thrilled that she mimics my EVERY word and move

blotchy? i didnt get that from your HNT pics at all. ill have to look again

"they say theres nothing sadder than when a father outlives his son. i dunno, frankly, i can see an upside to it" grandpa simpson

ill keep those retorts ready for next time she gets lippy

i do have a handful for sure. but my most valuable handful at that

whoa! i didnt say i let her win! i said i let her take my pawn is all! ;)


Blogger Mara said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 5:58:00 PM) : 

Perfect! and you think 'I' have attitude!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 6:21:00 PM) : 

Heh, I've got one that remembers EVERYTHING I've ever said (and loves throwing it up to me), except when She's supposed to be doing it !

Ah, the twisted wisdom of teenagehood...


Blogger •♥•m•♥• said ... (Sunday, September 25, 2005 8:14:00 PM) : 

B-man....with your wit??? U're surprised at the genius-thoughts of your beautiful daughter?

ROCK ON little sistah!!! (if you need any insight to the turmoils and criticisms a little girl with a 156 IQ went thru growing up?....give me a call :)


Blogger jolie said ... (Friday, September 30, 2005 5:53:00 AM) : 

Dan! Mama Ro & Indian Dad used to threaten to sell me to the gypsies too! I thought I was the only one. Did the yabuts threaten to snatch you late at night?

The yabuts being the small furry creatures that come to get you every time you utter the phrase "yeah, but!"


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